How Mbee.M worked for Touring Club Swiss
Mbee.M thanks TCS for permission to share their experience in this way. Clearly this brief case study can only skim the surface and does not do justice to the amount of work within the company on the other three pillars that support the Esprit Club programme. For example, we have not mentioned the extensive and intensive training designed to create consistency and excellence in the way TCS people deal with each other as well as customers. Nor have we described in any detail the preliminary research done with small groups of customers to isolate what they thought was really important when it came to good service – the basis for the six drivers of satisfaction.
So many thanks to TCS people for their work in helping the pilot programmes succeed. Congratulations to you all and give yourselves a very high score on the 'pleasure to do business' attribute.
Olivier Saurais
Chief Executive and project manager for the TCS pilot programmes
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